PicturePhoto credit: National Cancer Institute
French is to bread as American is to _____ ? 

Hot dog!

My focus for much of my first five months here has been language learning. During the poetry unit, I wrote my first poem in French!

Our class was asked to imitate the style of French poet, Francis Ponge in his prose poem "Le Pain" (the bread). Here is his poem with an English translation.

We were asked to chose a food that represents our culture, and the hot dog hit the mark for me. Here's my prose poem in French (followed by a rough English translation). Note: some of the plays-on-words don't translate well :(.

Le Hot-dog

La surface du hot-dog est incroyablement limoneuse à cause de certains agents de conservation et de couleur qui donnent l'impression qu'il est mangeable. La forme ressemble plus à un chihuahua que à un type de viande. La longue masse spongieuse de couleur rose, brune ou plutôt rouge cache dans son corps les vies sacrifiées de cochons, de vaches ou de quelque espèce que ce soit. Comme la devise des États-Unis, il est un vrai creuset – la fusion de cœurs, de sabots et de l'occasionnel rein. Son règne n'est pas menacé. Il règne sur les barbecues des Américains à jamais. 

The Hot Dog

The surface of the hot dog is incredibly slimy because of certain preservatives and colors that give it the impression that it is edible. His shape looks more like a chihuahua than a type of meat. The long spongy mass of pink, brown or sometimes red hides in his body the sacrificial lives of pigs, cows or whatever other species. Just like the motto of the United States, he is a real melting pot - the fusion of hearts, hooves and the occasional kidney. His reign is not threatened. He will reign over the barbecues of Americans forever.